10. Ochiai Yoshiiku (落合 芳幾)
Ladies handbags with Japanese art Ukiyo-e as the theme (Ukiyo-e handbags)
Ukiyo-e, meaning “Pictures of the Floating World”, is a genre of Japanese art which flourished from the 17th through 19th centuries. It depicts Japanese people’s life during the Edo period (17-19 centuries).
Ukiyo-e has influenced many Western artists including Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. Both Van Gogh and Monet collected many Ukiyo-e prints.
In this section we introduce three Ukiyo-e masters and their arts,
- Ochiai Yoshiiku (落合 芳幾): “Foreigners Drinking at Gankiro” (“Foreigners from five nations enjoyed merrymaking at the Gankiro tea house”), “The Tokyo Daily News, No. 876” (“Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun”) and “Strolling in a Garden”.
- Utagawa Yoshitora (歌川 芳虎): “Foreigners in Yokohama” (“View of the Amusements of the Foreigners in Yokohama”), “People from Foreign Lands” and “Vehicular Traffic in Tokyo”.
- Utagawa Kunisada II (歌川 国定) and other 8 artist: “Plum Blossoms in Cold” by Utagawa Kunisada II (歌川 国定), “Snow at Kinryuzan Temple, Asakusa” by Utagawa Hiroshige III (三代目 歌川 広重), “Crane, Waves and the Rising Sun” by Isoda Koryusai (礒田 湖龍斎), and “Western Traders at Yokohama” (Also known as “Western Traders at Yokohama Transporting Merchandise”) by Utagawa Sadahide (歌川 貞秀).
# Click on the image to see the video showing the detail of the painting and the story behind the art or the artist
# Art delights life and inspires fashion